
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Origin of the Name "Tinoc" Ifugao

A long time ago, there was a couple called Ballitok and Bugan. They had wide rice fields with bountiful annual harvests.

They shared their harvest with people who helped them during the planting and harvest seasons.

One day after the harvest season, there was a long typhoon. The rice paddies are filled and overflowing with rainwater, almost causing the dikes to collapse and the people could not go out to get food.

A day after the rain stopped, Bugan took

Historical Origin of Tinoc, Ifugao

During the sixteenth century, the Spanish government in the Philippines conducted surveys to identify territories for political and economic expediency.

An informant from Kiangan gave the name “Ginoc”, which was recorded by the Spanish authorities as the official name of the whole place.

Under the sovereign power of the Spaniards, a trail was made in Tinoc traversing Manhuyuhoy, Tukucan, Tulludan, Wangwang and Hungduan. Men, who had to render free labor for their Individual Community Tax Certificates, finished the construction to the trails.

The true origin name of Tinoc is Tinec, which conforms to the Kalanguya dialect that has a hard stress on the second syllables.

Tinec is a Kalanguya terminology, which means prohibitive mud-deep usually found in rice paddies continuously supplied with water. This mud deep is caused by a pocket ground-bed creating a hollow portion allowing mud water to fill it up.

Creation of Tinoc as a Municipality

    Tinoc was created as a new municipality from its mother municipality of Hungduan under Batas Pambansa Bilang 184 that was approved on March 16, 192. This was a parliamentary Bill passed by Mambabatas Gualberlto Lumauig on February 3, 1982.

A year after the enactment of the Repubic Act, it was put into

Monday, May 7, 2012

Legendary Origin of Kalanguya People

The Kalanguya people believed that the surface of the earth was flat, replete with abundant resources to meet all their basic needs. 

But one summer time, the god of the Kalanguya people did not allow the sun to shine for more than a month. 

Then it had begun to shine only at about 10:00 to 11:00 o'clock in the morning. The people termed the tragedy "Natalok I Eggew".

In the darkness, the people groped for their way while doing their daily chores. Because everything they touch  would wriggle or move, they thought that they either held a wood or snake. 

Immorality happened during the tragedy and many women got pregnant. These caused the massive death of women due to
childbirth or tapi.